Clinical User Guide
Diabetes Pathology Results

Most diabetes pathology test results appear in the patient's diabetes record automatically, provided that the result is sent in HL7 format and the following test names are used. Your laboratory must also ensure that the OBX segment of the HL7 data appears in numeric format.

For results received that contain a LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) code or any of the test names listed in the table below, after the results have been actioned from within the Holding File, and the Holding File closed, a value is added to the patient's file.

NOTE: Spaces and other characters such as commas and colons are removed from the test name before it is checked.

Value Added


Test Name


Value Added


Test Name

If the laboratory is unable to use one of these names and wishes to use alternate test names, they should contact MedicalDirector Customer Service by e-mail, listing the test names to be added.

Diabetic Notes

o      Diabetic results (eg CREATININE, HbA1c, HDL, TRIG) will be automatically transferred into the Diabetes Record inside the patient's file. In doing so, the information will also be displayed within the Diabetes Register (available via the Search menu) if the patient is flagged as having a diabetic condition.

o      The BSL value is for non-fasting or random glucose and is not picked up in the patient's Diabetes Record although it is plotted on the patient's Blood Glucose Graph.

o      Other fields in the Diabetes Register, including Fasting Blood Glucose, Protein, Glycosuria, Haematuria, Ketones and Leucoytes are not automatically transferred into the patient's diabetes record when a result is checked off.

o      Fasting Blood Glucose results do not automatically populate the Blood Glucose Graph even though they display after being entered through the Add Values button of the Diabetes Record.

INR Notes

o      INR results (eg INR, PT) will be automatically transferred into the INR module inside the patient's file.

Clinical Cumulative Pathology Results

Medical Director accommodates cumulative results, which if the following rules are adhered to, can be viewed within the Results tab of the patient file.

o      Only results received in HL7 format and which include an appropriate OBX segment will be included in the cumulative results display.

o      Only results in numeric format will be stored. OBX 2 must contain NM, as shown in the following example.

o      MedicalDirector Clinical reads the first and third components of the OBX 3 element to determine which tests to group together:

OBX|1|NM|code^testname^coding system|…
For example: OBX|1|NM|1751-1^Albumen^LN|…(LN signifies a LOINC code).


o      The second component of the OBX 3 element is displayed as the Test Name on the Cumulative Results display.

o      Where different providers use different coding system numbers there will be multiple entries in the Cumulative Results table.

For example:
OBX|1|NM|1751-1^Albumen^LN|…will not be grouped with:
OBX|1|NM|1234^Albumen^XY|…even though the Cumulative Results table will display both as "Albumen".


o      Similarly, if different providers use the same coding system number to represent different tests, these will be grouped.

For example, if a result arrives with:
OBX|1|NM|1751-1^Albumen^LN|…and then later a second result arrives with:
OBX|1|NM|1751-1^Platelets^LN|…then these results will be grouped together in the Cumulative Results Table, and the Test Name displayed will be the name of the first result received, i.e. "Albumen".


o      The cumulative results are displayed in order of date of receipt.