Bluchip Knowledge Base
How to Manually Update Radiation Oncology Derived Fees

With the July 1st 2019 fee update, several of the Derived Fees for Radiation Oncology Service Items were also updated with a slight error.  

These will need to be manually updated on your system by changing the derived amounts as indicated for each item number below.

We have listed below the item numbers, with screen shots of the correct derived fee amounts.   

o      Select the Medicare Service Item list.

o      Select Items

o      Filter by item that you want to update.

o      Select Derived Fee

o      Enter in the amounts as per screen shots below.

Item numbers affected, are listed below, these all have base item numbers that is used for when only 1 field is has had treatment delivered, but when there is 2 or more fields up to a maximum of 5 additional fields, the base fee amount is used, with additional amount for each field in of treatment.

15003  15115  15236  15263

15009  15214  15239  15266

15103  15230  15242  15269

15109  15233  15260  15272

Item 15003

Item 15115

Item 15009

Item 15214

Item 15103

Item 15230

Item 15109

Item 15236

Item 15233

Item 15239

Item 15242

Item 15260

Item 15263

Item 15266

Item 15269

Item 15272