MedicalDirector Knowledge Base
Converting a Server Computer to a Workstation

See also: Converting a Workstation to a Server or Mobile Computer

This guide is designed to assist you with converting your old MedicalDirector Clinical/Pracsoft Server computer to a Clinical/Pracsoft Workstation computer, after you have replaced the original Server.

This guide only covers the removal and re-installation of MedicalDirector-related data and components.

You may need to uninstall and re-install other third-party software such as that used for downloading results. If required, please contact your System Administrator.

Important Information

o      If you receive any error messages during the installation routine, contact MedicalDirector Customer Service immediately for assistance. It is recommended that you do not attempt to resolve any issues without assistance from MedicalDirector Customer Service.

o      If using MD Mobility, ensure you have uploaded your downloaded data before you commence any modifications or installations.

Before You Begin

Please contact your System Administrator if you need assistance with the following:

o      Ensure you have the full Clinical/Pracsoft release that matches the version of Clinical/Pracsoft you currently have installed. You will need this disc/ISO when you eventually reinstall MedicalDirector Clinical and/or Pracsoft. If you are unsure as to which version of MedicalDirector Clinical/Pracsoft you have installed, run either program and locate the version number, which appears at the top-left of the application window.

o      Ensure you have logged into Windows with local Administrative privileges.

o      If you participate in MedicalDirector GPRN you will also need the MedicalDirector GPRN Installer.

Determining the Installed location

Do you have a customised (non-default) installation of MedicalDirector Clinical and/or Pracsoft? If so, make note of where the following components are installed – this information is required later in the document.

SQL Location

Default install location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\~

o      HCN Maintenance > Common > Database Properties > Database Tab

       32-bit OS: HKey_Local_Machine > Software\Health Communication Network\Server Components\Database\HCN key

       64-bit OS (3.12+): HKey_Local_Machine > Software\WOW6432Node\Health Communication Network\Server Components\Database\HCN key

Clinical/Pracsoft Location

Default install location is C:\Program Files\Health Communication Network\~

o      32-bit OS: HKey_Local_Machine > Software\Health Communication Network\Medical Director\Path

o      64-bit OS (3.12+): HKey_Local_Machine > Software\WOW6432Node\Health Communication Network\Medical Director\Path

Manage Ezy Location

Default install location is C:\Manage Ezy\~

o      HCN Maintenance > Configuration, Document Server to display the Manage Ezy location

       32 Bit OS: HKey_Local_Machine > Software\Health Communication Network\ManageEzy Server\InstalDir

       64 Bit OS (3.12+): HKey_Local_Machine > Software\WOW6432Node\Health Communication Network\ManageEzy Server\InstalDir

Process for Uninstalling Clinical/Pracsoft

1.      Ensure that Clinical and/or Pracsoft is not running on any computer.

2.      Perform a full HCN backup via MedicalDirector Maintenance. If any errors are encountered please contact MedicalDirector Customer Service now. You will require this backup to restore your patient data if required.

o      Double-click the MedicalDirector Maintenance icon on your desktop. The MedicalDirector Maintenance suite opens.

o      Locate and double-click the Backup icon within the Common (Maintenance Tasks) section of MedicalDirector Maintenance.


3.      Insert the current Clinical/Pracsoft Installation disc. The MedicalDirector Installer application should start immediately. If it does not, browse the disc, and locate and run Setup.exe. When the installation wizard commences, run through the initial set of prompts until you are presented with the Computer Role screen.

o      Click Enable Advanced Options and then click Uninstall Role.

o      Click Yes then the OK button when you are ready to proceed. You will be presented with a summary of the components / applications to be uninstalled. Click the Begin button to commence. The uninstallation progress will be displayed.

o      Click Finish once presented with the completion window.


4.      Within windows, select Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs).

o      Uninstall any remaining items beginning with ‘HCN’, ‘Manage Ezy’, ‘Medicare Online’, or ‘MedicalDirector’.


5.      Uninstall the existing SQL Instance, from within windows, select Start > Control Panel > Programs & Features (or Add/Remove Programs).

o      Highlight Microsoft SQL 2005, 2008, or 2012 click Remove or Uninstall.

o      Select Instance HCNSQL07, click Next.

o      Click the Finish button when presented with the completion window.

o      Repeat steps 5.1-to-5.3 for the ESP instance.


6.      The following folders and windows registry keys need to be renamed by adding a suffix consisting of the current date. For example, the ‘Health Communication Network’ folder becomes ‘Health Communication Network 25-03-11’.

Note: The following locations may differ from your system If you have a non- default installation as noted above in ‘Determining your Installed location’.

For 32-bit Operating Systems:

o      Folder: C:\Program Files\Health Communication Network\

o      Folder: C:\Manage Ezy

o      Registry Key: HKey_Local_Machine > Software\Health Communication Network\

o      Registry Key: HKEY_Current_User > Software\Health Communication Network

o      Registry Key for TS sites: HKEY_Current_User > Software\Health Communication Network\

o      SQL Data Folder:

       SQL 2005: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.*

       SQL 2008: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.HCNSQL07

       SQL 2008 R2: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.HCNSQL07

       SQL 2012: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.HCNSQL07

For 64-bit Operating Systems (3.12+)

o      Folder: C:\Program Files(x86)\Health Communication Network\

o      Folder: C:\Manage Ezy

o      Registry Key: HKey_Local_Machine > Software\WOW6432node\Health Communication Network\

o      Registry Key: HKEY_Current_User > Software\Health Communication Network

o      Registry Key for TS sites: HKEY_Current_User > Software\WOW6432node\Health Communication Network\

o      SQL Data Folder:

       SQL 2005: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.*

       SQL 2008: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.HCNSQL07

       SQL 2008 R2: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.HCNSQL07

       SQL 2012: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.HCNSQL07

For 64 Bit Operating Systems with 64bit SQL (3.12+)

o      Folder: C:\Program Files(x86)\Health Communication Network\

o      Folder: C:\Manage Ezy

o      Registry Key: HKey_Local_Machine > Software\WOW6432node\Health Communication Network\

o      Registry Key: HKEY_Current_User > Software\Health Communication Network

o      Registry Key for TS sites: HKEY_Current_User > Software\WOW6432node\Health Communication Network\

o      SQL Data Folder:

       SQL 2008: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.HCNSQL07

       SQL 2008 R2: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.HCNSQL07

       SQL 2012: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.HCNSQL07

7.      Reinstall Clinical and/or Pracsoft as a Workstation Role using the latest Clinical/Pracsoft disc, including all MedicalDirector application updates and MDref updates to match the installed version on the server.

o      Install any secondary software required (e.g. MedicalDirector GPRN Extractor).


8.      Open Clinical/Pracsoft, and log into your live database to ensure your most recent patient data is available, including correspondence.

9.      MedicalDirector Pracsoft Online Claiming user users will need to configure MedicalDirector Pracsoft for Online Claiming;

o      Open MedicalDirector Pracsoft. If you are presented with errors regarding online claiming, click OK to these.

o      Within Pracsoft, select Setup > Workstation Settings, selecting the Online Claiming tab.

       Click the button and browse to the location of the hic.psi on the server.

       Enter the Store password, select Save > Close.

Pracsoft will now open without prompting you.