MedicalDirector Knowledge Base
HCN SQL Repair Scripts Using Pracsoft Installation Manager Mechanic

See also: HCN SQL Repair Scripts Using SQL Server Management Studio

Before you Begin

o      This procedure is valid for MedicalDirector Clinical / Pracsoft users. If you run Bluechip, follow the guide for SQL Server Management Studio instead.

o      Before attempting this procedure, you should ensure that you have the relevant SQL script(s) on hand.

o      The procedure assumes that ‘SERVER\HCNSQL07’ is the SQL server name. You will need to substitute this with the correct SQL server name when following these instructions (i.e. ComputerName\HCNSQL07).

o      If you are not sure of the correct SQL Server name that is used by the surgery, it can be found by opening the Configuration utility within HCN Maintenance and selecting ‘HCN Live Data’ (listed under Database Server).

o      This is an advanced procedure, and if at any time you are unsure or would like assistance please don’t hesitate to contact MedicalDirector Customer Service on 1300 300 161.


It has come to MedicalDirector’s attention that downloading the script attachments via WebMail interfaces may damage the repair script(s). With this in mind it is recommended to use a POP3 email client (such as Outlook / Outlook Express) to download the attachment(s) to your computer.

If a repair script has been damaged, a prompt will be displayed during Step 6 (Execute SQL Script phase) indicating ‘SQL Script file <drive\filename.sql> Failed to Verify’. If this message occurs, you will need to re-download the repair script (using an email client) and re-run Step 6. If the prompt continues to appear, you should contact MedicalDirector Customer Service to discuss other alternatives.

Procedure List

The following procedure will need to be performed on the server whilst HCN applications have been closed on all machines.

1.      Ensure that all users have exited Clinical, Pracsoft, and the Pracsoft Appointment Book on their computers.

2.      Create a full Backup including documents.

3.      Save the script email attachment(s) to a location on your hard drive (i.e. the My Documents folder).

4.      Stop the following Windows Services. To stop the service, find and highlight the service required. Once the service has been highlighted, right-click on the service and select Stop. You can ignore any of the following if they're not found on your system.

o      HCN Automatic Update Service

o      HCN Blue Chip Fee Activation Services

o      HCN Integration Services

o      HCN Service Manager

o      HCN SMS Scheduler Service

o      MD Communication Services

o      MD DC AutoUpdater

o      MD DC Service

o      MD Integration Message Broker

o      MD Integration Message Broker Host

o      MD SMS Scheduling Agent

o      MDInsights Data Collection

o      MDInsights Quartz Manager

o      MDXi

o      SMS Scheduled Agent


5.      Start the HCN Mechanic.

o      From the Windows Start menu, Select Run (Start > Run)

o      From the Run window, click the Browse button and browse to the HCNInstMngr.exe file located within the;

       32 bit - C:\Program Files\Health Communication Network\Common\HCNInstMngr\ folder

       64 bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\Health Communication Network\Common\HCNInstMngr\ folder

o      Once the HCNInstMngr.exe file has been highlighted click the Open button to take you back to the Run window.

o      From the Run window, scroll to the end of the file-path. This can be done by single-clicking on the file-path and pressing the END key on your keyboard.

o      Press the Spacebar and type in /mechanic (the path now should look something like ….ommon\HCNInstMngr\HCNInstMngr.EXE" /mechanic)


6.      Once the Pracsoft Installation Manager Mechanic has opened:

o      Find and highlight the correct server listed within the Available Servers on the left hand side (i.e. “SERVER\HCNSQL07’)

If you are unable to locate the correct database server on the left hand side, click the ADD button and type in the required server details. If you are not sure of the correct database server name that is used by the surgery, it can be found by opening the Configuration utility within HCN Maintenance and selecting ‘HCN Live Data’ (listed under Database Server).

o      Find and highlight the HCN database listed on the Available Databases on the right-hand side.


7.      Click the Exec SQL Script button and browse to the file saved in Step 3. After checking the confirmation details are correct, follow the remaining prompts to allow the script to run.

The script may take a few minutes to complete, please wait.

If a message is displayed indicating ‘SQL Script file <drive\file.sql> Failed to Verify’, this means that the file has been damaged or modified. If this message occurs, you will need to re-download the repair script from your email client and re-run this step.


8.      Check the HCN Mechanic log file to ensure that the script has successfully completed.

If the Pracsoft Installation Manager Mechanic is still open, click the Installation Log button (bottom left corner) to open the log file.

If the Pracsoft Installation Manager Mechanic is not open:

o      Use the My Computer program and browse to the following folder:

       Vista, Win 7, Win 2008: C:\Users\Public\Documents\HCN\HCNInstMngr\

       XP, Win2003: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\HCN\HCNInstMngr\


o      Open the HCNInstMngr.Log file. Scroll to the end of the file. You will see something similar to the following.


**** SQL Script <name of script> STARTED: 2006-05-24 09:26:00.767

**** SQL Script <name of script> COMPLETED: 2006-05-24 09:26:00.767

If the last line of the log file does not indicate the COMPLETED line, you will need to restore the backup created in Step 2 and contact MedicalDirector Customer Service . Do not proceed with the remaining steps


9.      Restart the Services that were stopped in Step 4 via Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. To start a service, locate and right-click it, selecting Start from the menu of options that appears.

10.   Once the script has successfully completed, close all programs back to the desktop.

11.   Delete the script from the computer that was saved in step 3. This script should never be run again without recommendation by Technical Support. The file can be removed by:

o      Opening the My Computer program

o      Browsing to the location where you saved the file

o      Find and Highlight the file

o      Press the Delete key on the keyboard and select Yes to deleting the file


12.   Open the MedicalDirector application and open the relevant module that experienced the problems.

o      If you are satisfied the data is correct, create another FULL HCN Backup (created via MedicalDirector Maintenance) and continue using Clinical / Pracsoft

o      If you are NOT satisfied, restore the backup created in Step 2 and contact MedicalDirector Customer Service.