MedicalDirector Knowledge Base
Installing Clinical, Pracsoft, and MDref Automatically

To streamline the installation of MedicalDirector Clinical, Pracsoft, and MDref updates to computers in a networked environment, MedicalDirector has modified these updates to provide the ability to install them automatically, negating the need to monitor the Installation Wizard.

Two new parameters have been added to the MedicalDirector Clinical, Pracsoft and MDref updates that implement varying degrees of automation. Note that these new options are not available for a full CD release of Clinical/Pracsoft; only updates of these applications.

How to use the parameters:

1.      Locate and make a note of the path where the update was downloaded to.

2.      On the Windows Command Prompt, type “<path location>\<update executable file name>” /<parameter>
(e.g. “c:\users\julies\downloads\MDref1105MD3.exe” /automatic)

o      Note: Enclosing the “<path location>\<update executable file name>” with double quotes (“) is necessary for folders/file names that contain spaces.

3.      Press the Enter key.


MedicalDirector updates always require an Administrator to perform installations, and such users are now able to run these installations without the need for unnecessary user-intervention. This can be done using one of the following methods:

1.      Walking to each PC in turn, launching the update with the preferred parameter, and returning later to check the results.

2.      Initiating RDP sessions to each PC, launching the update with the preferred parameter, and then logging back in later to check the results.

3.      Scheduling the update to run under a logged-in Administrator user (see Windows Scheduler topic below), and then checking the results the following day.

The benefit of each is that the IT Administrator does not have to wait for and acknowledge the usual Installation Wizard dialog windows - simply launch it and then check the results later.

If you run the installation from a network location, you may encounter an application failure alert generated by Microsoft Dot Net. To overcome this problem, you will need to download and install Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1, or alternatively run the installation from a local drive.

Windows Scheduler

A Windows Schedule configured to run these updates will only run under the following conditions:

o      It must be scheduled for a Windows Administrator User.

o      You must use the /fullautomatic switch in order to avoid the user prompts that the /automatic switch expects.

Failure to meet the criteria will result in an unsuccessful installation. This is because the installer presents a User Interface which requires a desktop to display. If there is user no logged in, then there is no desktop to present the User Interface on, so it can’t run.

Log File

The log file generated by the package extractor is located here:

               C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\HCN\Install\HcnPackageExtractor.LOG

Note also that the Windows Application Event log will indicate the success of an automated installation;

0 = Success

1 = Warning

2 = Failure