MedicalDirector Knowledge Base
Modifying Current Installations - Clinical / Pracsoft

Important Information

o      If modifying the current Clinical/Pracsoft installation on the Server computer, ensure you have performed a backup before continuing.

o      If you receive any error messages during the installation routine, contact MedicalDirector Customer Service immediately for assistance. It is recommended that you do not attempt to resolve any issues without assistance from MedicalDirector Customer Service.

o      If using MD Mobility ensure you have uploaded your downloaded data before you commence any modifications or installations.

o      You will not be able to uninstall Clinical/Pracsoft from a computer whose current role is ‘Mobile’.


1.      Insert the Clinical / Pracsoft disc (or mount the ISO). The Installer application should commence immediately. If it does not, browse to and double-click Setup.exe..

For Terminal Server Users:

o      If the Installer window is open, click the Cancel button to close it now.

o      When installing onto a Terminal Server, the software cannot be installed directly from the disc, or it may not be available to all users.

o      Ensure there are no active or disconnected sessions listed within the Session Manager. If there are, you must remove them before beginning the install or they may not be able to use the software successfully.

o      Advise all users not to log into the Terminal Server (recommend temporarily blocking access) until the installation has completed successfully. Failing to do so may result in the installation process failing or those users that do log in may not be able to use the software successfully.

o      The installation of software must always be performed whilst the Server is in ‘Install Mode’. This is usually achieved by launching the Installer through Add / Remove Programs by clicking on the Add New Programs button, then browse to and double-click Setup.exe on the disc. During this procedure a Window should open instructing that it NOT be closed until the install has been completed.

Refer to your Operating System help or Microsoft for more information on installing software onto a Terminal Server.


2.      You will be presented with the MedicalDirector Subscription Agreement. Read the Subscription Agreement, and if you agree to the terms, tick the associated checkbox, and then click the Next button to continue.

3.      The Installation Wizard will detect your computer’s current role, and which (if any) MedicalDirector applications you have installed.

o      Click the Add/Remove Programs button to add or remove MedicalDirector applications. From the window that appears, items marked with a tick are those that you wish to have/keep installed.

o      Click the Repair Role button to repair all of the MedicalDirector components and applications that make up your computer’s current role. This button should only be used when advised by MedicalDirector Customer Service.

o      Click the Change Role button (accessed via the Enable Advanced Options button) to change the role of the computer. This may be useful if for example your current server computer breaks down; you could then convert a workstation computer to act as your server until repairs are made. This option should be used with caution, and under advisement of your Systems Administrator or MedicalDirector Customer Service. The following role options are available for selection;

Server: For a computer that will act as your MedicalDirector Server, where your patient database is stored. The MedicalDirector applications will also be installed. ManageEzy (used for document and letter storage) will be installed in a shared folder and referenced by a network path, allowing workstation computers to access the folder remotely.

Standalone: For a computer that will act as your MedicalDirector Server, where your patient database is stored. The MedicalDirector applications will also be installed. ManageEzy (used for document and letter storage) will be not be shared, and will referenced by a local path (C:\...).

Workstation: For a fixed computer on which you will run the MedicalDirector applications, but not store the patient database. Workstation computers access the patient data from a database stored on the Server computer.

Mobile: For a mobile workstation computer (a laptop, for example) on which you will run the MedicalDirector applications. Primarily this computer will act like a workstation, accessing the patient database on your Server. However, to account for use outside the surgery a second SQL database will be installed on the mobile computer itself, with an instance name different to that of your Server’s. This second database will be used for storing downloaded patient data for use whilst disconnected from your network. Upon reconnecting to the network, the patient data must be transferred (uploaded) to your Server’s database.

o      Click the Uninstall Role button (accessed via the Enable Advanced Options button) to completely disable the current role the computer has and to uninstall any associated MedicalDirector applications.


4.      You will be prompted when the installation is complete. Click the Finish button to exit the Installation Wizard.