Bluechip User Guide
Allocations Detail Report

Printer Icon

Ctrl + P

Reports > Print

This is a receipt-wise detailed listing of receipt allocations that were issued over a given period, grouped by Practitioner and Account Classification. Note: MedicalDirector recommends the use of 'File - Microsoft Excel (.csv)' file type format if generating reports greater than 3 years.


1.      Either:

o      Click

o      Press Ctrl + P

o      Select Reports > Print


2.      The Print Report window appears.


3.      Select the Allocations Detail Report from the list of reports and click  The Print Allocations Detail Report window appears.


4.      Select a date range using the calendar tools provided. The default is today's date.

5.      Select other options as desired.

6.      Indicate which practitioners you wish to print data for.

7.      Click when you are ready to proceed.