Bluechip User Guide
Log File

A log file of your SMS messages is recorded daily and stored by Bluechip. You can view this log from within Bluechip by selecting SMS > View SMS Log.

Items of interest on this window

Mobile No.

Mobile number where the SMS was sent.


Name of the Patient (in full), obtained from the Patient demographic record. If the message is sent ad-hoc (with no Patient context), the Patient Name will read "<Unknown>".

Appt Date/Time

This is the Date and Time of the appointment corresponding to the SMS message, obtained from the Appointment book record.

Sent Date/Time

This is the Date and Time that the SMS message was sent, obtained from the system time of the computer initiating the message

User Id

Bluechip User ID of the user sending the message. For scheduled messages, this will be the user logged into the computer where the scheduler is running.

Event Code

Error code returned from the SMS messenger service. A zero error code signifies the successful sending of the message. A non-zero error code signifies that the message was not sent. Note: To see an explanation for any error codes (other than 0), hover the mouse over the Event Code field.


An indication of the transmission's success or failure.

To view the log file for a different date, click the calendar icon in the Log Date field and select the desired date. Click the Refresh button to display the log for the selected date.