Bluechip User Guide
Medclaims Batch Summary Report

The Batch Summary report details all invoices included in a batch for Medclaims submission. Fee and GST components are included separately.

How the Report is Defined

All invoices shown in this report are included because they have been included in a Batch Summary ready for submission using Medclaims.

How to Generate the Report

1.      From the Bluechip main window, click located at the bottom-right. The Practice Explorer appears.

2.      Select Batches from within the Margin Menu. The Batches window appears.


3.      Select a Practitioner and click

4.      Select the batch entry and click

5.      Click the Print Draft button. The Print Batch Summary window appears.

6.      Select your printing options and click the Next button.

How to Interpret the Report

This report provides the details of each invoice included in a batch sent to Medclaims. For each batch you can view the invoice number, date of issue, patient name, service date, item number, description, fee, GST, and total amount. The report also includes the Practitioner, Batch Type, Batch ID, and Batch No.