Bluechip User Guide
Medicare Australia Claimant Declaration (Patient Claims) Report

How the Report is Defined

The Medicare Australia Claimant Declaration (Patient) prints a document that states the patient is liable for the expenses of the services and these are not excluded under the Health Insurance Act 1973.

How to Generate the Report

1.      From the Bluechip main window, click located at the bottom-right. The Practice Explorer appears.

2.      Select Medicare Australia from within the Margin Menu. The Medicare Australia - Online Claims window appears.


3.      Either:

o      Click

o      Press Ctrl + P

o      Select Reports > Print

The Print Report window appears.

Notice that because this window was called whilst the Medicare data was in view in the Practice Explorer, Medicare reports are now available, where they would not normally appear..


4.      Select Medicare Australia Claimant Declaration (PC) from the Medicare category in the list of available reports, and click  The Print Medicare Australia Claimant Declaration (PC) window appears.

5.      Click when you are ready to continue. You will be prompted to select print options for the report. Note that you will have to choose the printer and tray the first time you print this report, on each computer. Thereafter Bluechip will remember your settings.