Bluechip User Guide
Deactivating/Reactivating Practitioner Records


Deactivating a practitioner's record means that they will no longer be available to the various sections of Bluechip. However they will still appear in historical data.

The deactivating and reactivating of practitioner records is managed through BC Secure.

The button (highlighted above) is a toggle that deactivates/reactivates selected practitioners. Throughout Bluechip, where an inactive practitioner appears, they are clearly identified in italics, and either (D) or (Deactivated) will be appended to their name.

This deactivate button used for deactivating practitioner records is not to be confused with that on the far right-hand side of BC Secure window - the latter button is for deactivating rooms.

Ensure that your Bluechip Licence allows you to add another practitioner/tenant. In the example above, the licence allows for 7 active practitioners/tenants of which there are 6recorded (as indicated at the top of the window), leaving room to add 1 more active practitioners/tenants. If you do not have any free slots, you will need to contact MedicalDirector Sales to arrange for the purchase of a new Licence, after which you can update your Bluechip registration and proceed to add further practitioners/tenants.

To Deactivate a Practitioner Record

1.      Within BC Secure, ensure you have selected the Practitioners menu.

2.      Locate and select the practitioner record that you wish to deactivate.


3.      Click  You will be prompted to confirm this action.


4.      Click to confirm. Notice in the following image that;

o       The practitioner's record still exists in BC Secure, but now it is displayed in italics to indicate that it has been deactivated.

o      The button has been replaced with a button, to indicate that the selected practitioner record can be reactivated if you desire.

o      You cannot add or reactivate rooms associated with the deactivated practitioner. You can however delete a room associated with him.

       It is at this point you have an opportunity to undo this action by clicking the Revert button, essentially reactivating the practitioner record. Note however, that this is not the same as clicking itself, which requires you enter a Bluechip Authorisation number, provided by MedicalDirector.

       It is important to note that if you click at this point, the deactivation of the practitioner's record is confirmed, and not reversible via the Revert button. Instead, the record could only be reactivated via the Reactivate button.


5.      Click to confirm your actions and close BC Secure.

To Reactivate a Practitioner Record

Note that to reactivate a deactivated practitioner record you will be required to contact MedicalDirector Customer Service and quote them a specific activation number, which is generated during the reactivation process (as explained below).

1.      Within BC Secure, ensure you have selected the Practitioners menu.

2.      Locate and select the practitioner record that you wish to reactivate.


3.      Click  The Bluechip Authorisation window appears.


4.      Contact MedicalDirector Customer Service on 1300 300 161 and quote the generated number presented to you on the Authorisation window. You will be given a 'response' number which you must enter into the field provided.

5.      Once you have entered the 'response' number given to you by MedicalDirector, click to confirm. The practitioner's record will be reactivated.