Clinical User Guide
ADF Post-Discharge GP Health Assessment

About the ADF Post-Discharge GP Health Assessment Tool

The ADF Post-discharge Health Assessment tool was developed by MedicalDirector in association with Flinders University for the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) and is designed to assist GPs identify and diagnose the early onset of physical and/or mental health problems among former serving members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

The assessment is based on well validated screening measures which target:


The assessment will usually take between 20-75 minutes to complete depending on the number and complexity of issues identified. The assessment should be undertaken by the patient’s usual treating medical practitioner who can be assisted by a suitably qualified health professional (e.g., a practice nurse). Following the assessment advice is provided for issues requiring follow-up.

Note that the ADF Post-discharge Health Assessment is not accessible to patients who are currently permanent members of the ADF.

A once-off Medicare rebate is available to each patient completing this assessment.

Accessing and Conducting the Assessment

1.      From within the patient's record, select Assessment > ADF Post-Discharge GP Health Assessment. The assessment tool opens.

2.      Complete each page of the assessment wizard;

o      Click Next / Back to move through the set of questions.

o      If you cancel an incomplete assessment, you can resume it later the same day. Incomplete assessments expire at midnight.

o      For assistance with the assessment, click the Guide and Reference buttons.

o      Some sections of the assessment will present you with important information (as shown in the example below) if the answers/responses are considered abnormal.

o      Fields on page 11 of the assessment for capturing the patient's measurements (e.g. height, weight) will be filled with the latest data automatically where available.

o      Note that when completing an assessment, it is simultaneously printed and saved to the patient's record. Due to limited space on the print-out, if the data you have entered for any given section exceeds the amount that can be printed, you will be notified on-screen, on the assessment. You can continue to enter data as you wish, with the knowledge that the corresponding print-out will not display all the text.


3.      You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to complete the assessment. Upon confirmation, the assessment will be printed and a copy is saved to the Letters tab of the patient's record. A note that you have performed the assessment for your patient is also added to their Progress Notes, along with any information you entered into the 'Problems', 'Recommendations', and 'GP Review' sections of the assessment.

Resuming an Assessment

If you wish to continue an assessment (be it an incomplete assessment, or a completed assessment you wish to modify), you can do so by initiating a new assessment - you will be prompted that the previous assessment is still available, and be given the opportunity to either continue with the saved assessment or start a new one.

If you elect to update a previously-completed assessment, Clinical interprets this action to mean "I wish to create a new assessment, but I want to pre-populate it with all the data from the previously-completed assessment, after which I will make modifications if necessary".