Clinical User Guide
Compliance Checking

...on Opening a Patient's Record

Whenever a patient's record is opened, Clinical will automatically process the medication list and check when the last prescription for each item was printed.

If the patient appears to be overdue for a prescription (e.g. the number of tablets and repeats supplied is less than that required by the dose and frequency prescribed), that drug is highlighted in red in the medication list.


To see the statistics of the usage of drugs since a patient's last prescription, from within the Clinical Window select Clinical > Compliance Check.

This window shows details about the medications, including the drug name, strength, last quantity given, last repeats given, total number of items taken, number of days since the prescription was written, the doses taken each day and the date of the last script.

...on Printing a Script

When an item is selected for printing, Clinical will warn you if there has been a recent prescription for that same item.

A calculation of the approximate usage of tablets is given where possible. A 15% margin is allowed to allow for a patient who returns for prescriptions before they run out of tablets.

Compliance checking can be disabled via Prescribing Options.