Protocols are combinations of commonly-prescribed medications, which can be selected and prescribed quickly as if they were a single entity. When a protocol is selected, each drug within the protocol is prescribed automatically and added to the patient's Current Rx tab, ready for printing. This streamlined process may also involve the user being prompted for further input, depending on the drugs prescribed.
From the Clinical main screen, select Clinical > Drug Protocols. The Drug Protocols window appears.
o To create a new protocol, click A text box will appear on the Drug Protocols window, prompting you to enter a name for the protocol. You must then save this new protocol before you can add items to it.
o To add an item to a protocol, select the protocol from the Existing Protocols list, and click The Select Drug window appears (see Creating New Prescriptions for information on how to make a selection from the Select Drug window). Drugs that you add will appear in the list at the bottom of the Drug Protocols window. Repeat this step to add further items to the protocol.
o To change a dose for a specific drug, select the drug from the list and click The Enter Dose window appears. See Creating New Prescriptions for information on the Edit Dose window.
o To change quantities or repeats of a drug, select the drug from the list and click
o To delete a protocol, select the protocol from the Existing Protocols list and click
1. From
within the patient's Clinical
Window, select Clinical
> Prescribe > Protocol, or press SHIFT+F3. The Drug
Protocols window appears.
2. Highlight the protocol you wish to prescribe.
o Select the Limited Duration check box if the protocol (all drugs within it) is to be prescribed for a limited duration.
3. Click
4. You will be prompted to add a reason for the prescription. See Creating New Prescriptions for further information.