Clinical User Guide
Influenza 'At Risk' Search Criteria

The Influenza 'At Risk' Search Utility is used to locate patients 'at-risk' for the current flu season. After conducting a search for such patients, you can print scripts or create a recall notification for them.

Note: The settings below are also used to determine for which patients the Influenza Vaccination prompt appears.

Risk Groups

o      Patients >= 65 years.

o      ATSI patients aged >= 15 years. Patient must have their ATSI status recorded.

o      ATSI patients aged >=6 months and <5 years. Patient must have their ATSI status recorded.

o      Patients Aged >= 6 months with Specified Conditions - the 'Specified Conditions' become available for selection once this check box is ticked.

o      Pregnant patients.

Specified Conditions

o      These check boxes are only available if you have selected the option 'Patients Aged >= 6 months with Specified Conditions' in the Risk Groups section. See Reference - Influenza Disease Search - Specific Disease Criteria for more information.


Selecting any of these options excludes a patient from the Influenza 'At Risk' search or prompt, even if they fulfil a positive criterion elsewhere on this window.