Clinical User Guide
MedicalDirector Cover

About MedicalDirector Cover

MedicalDirector Cover allows doctors to access their patient’s private health cover details, discover which specialists participate in ‘no-gap’ or ‘known gap’ programs, and refer patients to subsidised health management programs. You can discuss specialist referral options with your patient and identify eligible health programs to leverage the most value from your patient’s health cover.

Accessing MedicalDirector Cover

1.      Within Letter Writer, locate and open the Data Tool Bar.

2.      Within the Data panel, locate and expand the Addressee category.

3.      Double-click any of the Addressee fields to open the Address Book. The Select Addressee window appears.

4.      Select the MD Cover tab.

5.      Confirm your patient's details.

o      Their information will be pre-populated where possible.

o      Ensure you select the Health Fund you wish to examine, and that the patient's associated Fund Member Number is correct.


6.      Acknowledge the conditions, and click Submit button to validate your patient.

7.      If successful, the results display the patient's health fund Policy.


8.      You can view the patient's inclusions/exclusions via the associated drop-down menu.

9.      Via the button, you can view which specialists participate in the insurer's medical gap scheme.


10.   Funds may also provide information health management programs that may be useful for your patient.

To refer your patient, click , confirm you have your patient's consent, and then click