Clinical User Guide
Sidebar Running Time: 40:51
UHG Medical
Request Widget
Running Time: 18:43

About MedicalDirector Sidebar

MedicalDirector Sidebar allows the clinician to activate widgets for use in a clinical setting. Widgets are applications developed to integrate with Clinical, placed on the Sidebar.

MedicalDirector Sidebar provides safe, supported interaction between third-party systems and MedicalDirector Clinical, and allows the clinician to easily access information across platforms and share information between different clinical systems.

The MedicalDirector Sidebar itself behaves like an extra window that is ‘pinned’ by default to the right side of Clinical.

The MedicalDirector Sidebar, pinned by default to the right side of Clinical.



About Widgets

Widgets are applications developed to integrate with MedicalDirector Clinical, placed on the MedicalDirector Sidebar. Widgets on the MedicalDirector Sidebar are approved and digitally signed by MedicalDirector during the approval process to ensure that the purchase and use of a widget is contained to the specific Practice that will use it. Clinical comes pre-installed with a number of widgets, described following.

MedicalDirector  Widgets

o      MedicalDirector Clinical Prompts


Partner Widgets

o      Healthshare (Fact Sheets): Patient and GP Education Fact Sheets from Australia's leading health organisations.