Clinical User Guide
Updating ‘My Health Record’ Certificates in Clinical

NASH PKI Certificates Due to Expire - March 2022

PKI Certificates are required by many businesses for maintaining access to digital health tools including electronic prescribing and My Health Record.

The National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) has annouced that its PKI Certificates may expire in March 2022 for some businesses. This includes those used by MedicalDirector Helix and Clinical.

New Certificates have been issued, and are available to download and install. Click here for information on renewing your Certificates.

Before You Begin

You will need your My Health Record Certificate.

Installing the My Health Record Certificate

1        Within Clinical select Tools > Options > Practice tab.

2        Select the practice you wish to import certificates for, and click

The Location Details window appears.

3        Click   The Import Certificate window appears.

4        Via the Type drop-down list, select the My Health Record certificate option.

5        Click  to locate the My Health Record Certificate. You will be returned to the Import Certificate window.

6        Enter the password for the My Health Record Certificate.

7        Click and then  on the Options window.