Pracsoft User Guide
Arrears Summary - All Arrears Report


Arrears reports provide details of outstanding debts, up to and including the 'To:' date specified below, arranged in columns to differentiate the relative ages of the debts (e.g. 30 days, 60 days, 90 days).


The 'Arrears Summary - All Arrears' report provides a summary of all arrears, grouped by Fee Type (Private fees, Bulk Claim fees and Institutional fees) with appropriate sub-totals and a grand total.

By default, a separate page will be printed for each practitioner, but you may choose to print this as a summary for the whole Practice, by selecting 'No' where it says 'Page per Doctor'.

To Reconcile the Report

The totals in this report can be verified by comparing the totals column against each of the following reports:

To Generate an Arrears Summary - All Arrears Report

1.      Select Reports > All Reports. The Pracsoft Reports window appears.

2.      Within the Report Type section, select Arrears.

3.      Within the Report Name section, select Arrears Summary - All Arrears.


4.      Select the Common tab:

o      Indicate whether you want to specify a 'From' date, by ticking/un-ticking the associated check box. If you chose to specify a From date, enter the date now.

o      Enter a 'To' date.

o      Indicate whether results for each practitioner will be printed on separate pages.

o      Indicate which practitioner/s and location/s you wish to limit the report to.


5.      Click Print when you are ready to proceed.