Pracsoft User Guide
Detailed List of Referrals Report

This report lists details of all referrals which commenced within the period between the 'From:' and 'To:' dates specified below.  For each listed referral, the report details: Referring Practitioner; Patient; Chart Number; Referral Date; and Referral Type.  Total number of referrals is provided for each practitioner and for the practice as a whole.

1.      Select Reports > All Reports. The Pracsoft Reports window appears.

2.      Within the Report Type section, select Other.

3.      Within the Report Name section, select Detailed List of Referrals.


4.      Enter a Date Range for the report.

5.      Indicate which practitioner/s and location/s you wish to limit the report to.

6.      Click Print when you are ready to proceed.