Pracsoft User Guide
Exporting Reports

Reports can be exported as one of the following formats:

o      Excel

o      Comma Delimited

o      Tab Separated

1.      Select Reports > All Reports. The Reports window appears.


2.      Select a Report Type from the list provided at the top-left of this window. Once you have selected a report type, the Report Name list will refresh to display available reports of the selected type.

3.      Select a report to view via the Report Name list. When you select a report in this way, a description of it will appear in the Description section of the window.

4.      (Optional) Specify criteria via the Selections section of the window. Most reports have selection criteria available on both the Common and Additional tabs criteria is also available on the associated tab.

5.      Click Print  A print preview of the report is generated. This may take a moment.

6.      From the print preview window, click  You will be prompted to name the file and select a location to save it.

7.      Once complete you are returned to the print preview window. Click to return to Pracsoft.