Pracsoft User Guide
Fees Earned and Counts Report


This report provides a summary, for each practitioner, of the Fees billed and a count of the number of visits, for each day within the period between the 'From:' and 'To:' dates specified below.

Fees amount display in the 'Fees' column of this report is GST exclusive'.

A total is provided for each practitioner.

By default, a separate page will be printed for each practitioner, but you may choose to print this as a summary for the whole Practice, by selecting 'No' where it says 'Page per practitioner'.


This report is based on Visit Date.  'Visit Date' refers to the date that was recorded in the 'Consult Date' field in the Record Visit window.


The Additional tab, below, includes a number of other options:

o      Include Adjustments - this option is checked by default, to include adjustment records in the report output.  If you prefer to exclude adjustments, you can click the box to uncheck it.

o      Item No(s) - this option allows you to enter a specific item number to base the report on.  If you enter an item number, then the report will only show you Fees for that item.  If you wish to specify multiple item numbers, you must separate them with commas.

o      Institution - this option is disabled for this report.


To Reconcile the Report

Columns on this Report

Reconcile Against Report Columns

Fees Earned and Counts Report

  • Grand totals

All Fees Reports where Visit Date is used

  • Grand totals

Fees Earned and Counts Report

  • Grand Total Count of visits

Other – Visit Reports

  • Grand total


To Generate a Fees Earned and Counts Report

1.      Select Reports > All Reports. The Pracsoft Reports window appears.

2.      Within the Report Type section, select Fees.

3.      Within the Report Name section, select Fees Earned and Counts.


4.      Select the Common tab:

o      Enter a Date Range for the report.

o      Indicate whether results for each practitioner will be printed on separate pages.

o      Via the Date Selection drop-down menu, indicate in which order you wish the results displayed.

o      Indicate which practitioner/s and location/s you wish to limit the report to.


5.      Select the Additional tab:

o      If you wish to base the report on specific item numbers, enter them here, separating each with a comma.


6.      Click Print when you are ready to proceed.