Pracsoft User Guide
Logging On - Logging Off

Users are prompted to logon automatically when you start MedicalDirector Pracsoft. You can also log off / log on via Admin > Logoff User. This automatically logs-off the current user and presents you with the Enter Logon Details window.

1.      At this point you are being prompted to:

o      Select a Database. It is possible to have numerous databases available to you, each of which may give you access to different sets of patients.

o      Select a User. Once you have selected the database you wish to access, the User list will populate with user names associated with it. Before you can log on, your user account must have already been defined in the user database by another user who had the security level to do so.

o      Enter your Password. When you log on you are given three attempts at entering a correct password (your password). If after the three attempts you fail to provide a valid password Pracsoft displays a warning before closing down.


2.      If you do not have a valid Pracsoft user name and password, contact your system administrator to add you as a Pracsoft user.