Pracsoft User Guide
Step 2 - Setup Location Certificate in Pracsoft

1.      Open Pracsoft.

2.      Select Setup > Workstation Settings. The Workstation Settings window appears.

If you have installed Pracsoft onto a single workstation:

o      Enter C:\Program Files\Common Files\PKI\hic.psi as the Store Location, providing 'C' is your local system directory/drive.

o      Enter the PSI Store password that you created in in the previous step and click Save

If you have installed Pracsoft onto a server/network:

o      Enter either:

       X:\Program Files\Common Files\PKI\hic.psi where X is the letter of the relevant mapped network drive on which you created the PSI Store in Step 1.6; or

       \\SERVER\Program Files\Common Files\PKI\hic.psi where SERVER is the name of the computer on which you created the PSI Store in the previous step as the 'Store Location'.

o      Enter the PSI Store password that you created in the previous step and click Save


3.      Select Setup > Global Settings. The Global Settings window appears.


4.      Tick the Use Online Claiming check box. It is recommended that you also select the Auto-Claim No. Generation check box. Claim numbers will increment automatically.

5.      Click Save Pracsoft button