Quick guide to understanding cloud health data
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Quick guide to understanding cloud health data

There’s no doubt that the range of cloud health solutions has grown significantly over the past few years. To better understand what exactly cloud health software is, here is your guide to explaining how data is stored and shared on the cloud.

Data storage

Cloud software refers to an IT system where information is stored and backed up on the Internet, ‘the cloud’, which is then backed up by premium security data centres, like the Microsoft Azure platform.

This is different to ‘on premise’ practice management software, which stores all your data on physical servers that are on your medical practice site. When your clinical and practice management information is stored on ‘the cloud,’ it is not limited to a physical server.

Data access

Because cloud software is not limited by a physical server, it means users can have access to it anywhere, anytime, outside the physical walls of the practice. This makes cloud software a great option for health professionals who are on the go frequently, such as aged care and remote care specialists.

Data loss prevention

Another benefit of data being stored on the cloud, outside of the physical walls of the health practice, is that it allows for more data protection in case of any emergencies at your practice or at home. This can be particularly beneficial if there is a fire or natural disaster– and can provide more reassurance against data loss or damage.

Data protection during updates

The benefit of having health data stored and managed via cloud software is that updates and upgrades that help protect data are automated, saving practices significant time and money. For smooth run of your software, automatic system updates will ensure that your patient’s data are correctly up to date with little to no effort needed to maintain the software.

Data integration

Cloud software solutions can be easily integrated with a growing range of health and business solutions available on the market. These include online booking apps, health information apps, wellness apps and internet-based payment and billing systems. These are progressive solutions that will allow your practice to be better equipped for integration and a more cohesive digital ecosystem.

Real-time data access

In a rapidly fast-paced health ecosystem, access to information in real-time is essential for more optimum patient outcomes. Benefits from real-time responses allow for adequate critical decision-making, flexibility of access to information and most importantly better health communication with your patients.

Through the cloud, every practitioner, clinician and carer gains access to the same patient information, which also enables real-time collaboration across different healthcare environments. Collaborative care promotes an environment where healthcare professionals can communicate, co-operate and collaborate efficiently to enable better health outcomes for patients. It can also help to reduce hospital admissions, curb unnecessary expenditure and alleviate pressure on an already burdened system.

Data migration

Migrating your health data to the cloud can be a seamless experience with clinical and practice management software like MedicalDirector’s award-winning solution, Helix.

The process is simple, safe, secure and personal and generally involves the following steps:

  • Contact: Contact the MedicalDirector team to discuss the switching process
  • Migration: MedicalDirector works closely with you throughout the entire migration process to the cloud, with full data encryption to ensure switching is safe and secure
  • Training: Once the software is up and running, every user received training so using the software quickly becomes second nature
  • Ongoing support: You receive ongoing support, communication, tips and advice to help ensure you’re getting the most out of your cloud software.

Cloud vs on premise – what’s right for your practice?