UHG issue in MedicalDirector Clinical now resolved
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UHG issue in MedicalDirector Clinical now resolved

We recognise there was an outage on the morning of Wednesday 8th July that affected many customers. Our Service Desk became inundated affecting many calls, and you may not have been able to get through.  

We immediately assembled a taskforce and found the error occurred due to an outage of a partner widget. We advised our practices via our online channels, LiveChatemail, and web, to restart MedicalDirector software to address the problem. This issue has since been resolved.

We thank you for your continued support, and apologise for disruptions this may have caused your practice 

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via LiveChatemail or phone 1300 300 161 

Kind regards,

Brett Olsen
Head of Service Delivery

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