Remdesivir monograph coming to AusDI
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Remdesivir monograph coming to AusDI

On October 1, 2020 we will be publishing a new drug monograph on our AusDI platform for remdesivir, a provisionally approved treatment for COVID-19.

In July 2020, remdesivir was provisionally approved in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for patients who are severely unwell with COVID-19, requiring breathing support and in hospital.

What is remdesivir?

Remdesivir is an antiviral drug. Early clinical studies suggest that remdesivir may potentially speed up the recovery of patients with COVID-19, although this has not yet been established. However, early results are promising, with a number of patients in one trial who were given remdesivir in the early stages of the disease said to have recovered in 11 days rather than 15.

Remdesivir is believed to work by stopping the replication of a range of viruses, potentially including, COVID-19.

To date, there is only one published clinical trial in which remdesivir was compared against a placebo. This study showed no benefit from this drug, but it was a relatively small study without enough patients to be considered statistically significant. Further studies are underway.

What will the monograph contain?

The remdesivir monograph contains independent information from a variety of references that is considered to be practical, clinically significant and needed to help assure that remdesivir is safely and effectively used. The monograph contains information on the indications, pharmacology, precautions to use, adverse effects, effects of overdose and dosage of remdesivir.

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