Bluechip User Guide
Configure a Class to use a HealthPoint Online Claiming Batch Type

Before You Begin

Ensure you have;

o      Configured a Batch Type for HealthPoint Online Claiming

o      Configured a Class for HealthPoint Online Claiming

Setting-up a Class to use a HealthPoint Online Claiming Batch Type

1.      Select Setup > Practice > Classes. The Class Setup window appears.

o      Within the Account Class list, select the HealthPoint class, so that it can be configured for batching.

o      Select the General tab.

o      Ensure the Name field is "HealthPoint".

o      Add 'Patient' to the Account Contacts list.

o      Select 'Health Funds' from the Account Groups list.


2.      Select the Payment Options tab.

o      Via the Batch Type drop-down list, select HealthPoint.

o      Via the Addressee field, select Patient.

o      Ensure the Use Health Fund Membership check box is ticked.

o      Ensure the Company Group for Health Fund Lookup drop-down is 'Health Funds'.


3.      Click

4.      Continue to Configure a Practitioner to Use the HealthPoint Online Claiming Class.