Bluechip User Guide
Configure a Practitioner to use the HealthPoint Online Claiming Class

Before You Begin

Ensure you have;

o      Configured a Batch Type for HealthPoint Online Claiming

o      Configured a Class for HealthPoint Online Claiming

o      Configured a Class to use a HealthPoint Online Claiming Batch Type

Setting-up a Practitioner to use the HealthPoint Online Claiming Class

The following steps must be performed for each practitioner who wishes to the use the HealthPoint Online Claiming class.

1.      Select Setup > Practitioner > Practitioner Details. The Practitioner Setup window appears.

2.      Select the Class Usage tab (it should be displayed by default).

o      Via the Practitioners list, select the practitioner whose classes you wish to manage. Their list of Required Classes will be displayed. Classes that are ticked are those that the practitioner has been granted association with.

o      Within the Required Classes list, tick the HealthPoint option.


3.      Select the Class Options tab.

o      Within the Class list, select the HealthPoint class.

o      Within the Applicable Service Item Lists list, tick the service items applicable to your Practice's requirements.


4.      Select the General tab.

o      Within the Service Types section, indicate which service types this practitioner offers.


5.      Click  to save the changes.