Bluechip User Guide
Managing a Practitioner's Fees

1.      Select Setup > Practitioner > Practitioner Details. The Practitioner Setup window appears.

2.      Select the Fees tab, as shown in the following image.


3.      From the Practitioners section, select the practitioner whose fee structure you wish to manage. The classes used by the practitioner will be displayed in the Class section.

4.      In the Class section, select the class whose fee structure you wish to edit. In the example image above, the MA Online DVA class has been selected. Upon selecting a class, its fee options will be displayed in the right-hand section of the Practitioner Setup window.

5.      From the Item List drop-down list, select which applicable service item list you wish to view the fee options of. The applicable service item list for each class is managed via the Class Options tab.

6.      (Optional) Once you have selected a given fees list, you can copy it to another Class or Practitioner.

7.      (Optional) By enabling the Demographic check box you can filter the fee items list to display items that have been invoiced in accounts of the selected Class and Practitioner.

8.      (Optional) Filter the list of fee items, by either:

o      Entering a number into the Filter Items text box, and/or

o      Enabling the Quick List Only check box to display items that have been added to a Quick List.


9.      From the list of fee items that appears in the center of this window, select the item you wish to modify. If you wish to modify all items simultaneously, do nothing yet.

10.   To modify a fee, do one or more of the following:

o      Change the actual item's associated fee by selecting one of the options from the Fee drop-down list to the upper-right of the window. You have options to enter a basic fee value, or associate the fee with a Schedule (MBS Fee List), Benefit or AMA. Note also that you can apply your selected fee to all items in this class by clicking Apply to All or you can clear the fees from all items in this class by clicking Clear All. See Entering Fees for more information.

o      Indicate whether the item receives a discount. Note also that you can apply your selected discount to all items in this class by clicking the Apply to All button, or you can clear the discount from all items in this class by clicking


11.   Click to confirm your selections and close the Practitioner Setup window.