Helix User Guide

Record a Scheduled Immunisation

Immunisation schedules are managed via Immunisation Schedule Management.

1.      Within the patient's record, locate the Health Summary panel.

Health Summary Header


2.      Locate the Immunisations section within the Health Summary.


3.      Click the Scheduled Immunisation(s) Due link. The Immunisation panel opens and displays a list of the scheduled immunisations.

o      In our example (below), this patient is scheduled for a Measles/Mumps/Rubella/Varicella vaccination.

o      The orange strip indicates that this is a scheduled immunisation, as opposed to an ad-hoc one.

o      There may be several choices of vaccines available for an immunisation, but you may select only one.

o      To see a list of alternatives, click  This button may not always be available. See Alternative Immunisations for more information.



4.      Record the immunisation;

o      If the HCP wishes to administer the immunisation themselves, click    Jump now to Step 5 below, to continue the immunisation recording.

o      To request that a nurse administers the vaccine, click   The Nursing Request panel opens, and displays the scheduled vaccine.

       The HCP can add items to the request, and then print it for the nurse.

       When the nursing request is printed, the vaccine is displayed as Pending in the Immunisations section of the Health Summary.

       See the Print a Nursing Request for more information on this panel.



5.      The Record Immunisation  panel appears.

o      If the patient informed the HCP they had been given this vaccine previously, click Do Not Submit to AIR button

o      If the patient declines the vaccine, click

o      Otherwise, complete the remaining details.


6.      To save time during recording of immunisation you can select to add the immunisation as reason for visit by simply selecting a checkbox as part of the immunisation recording workflow.

The Reason for Visit is added to the Consult window (below) depending on the type of immunisation administered. The immunisation name is added to comments section.

7.      Recalls can be created automatically as part of the immunisation recording workflow. This is available for COVID-19 Vaccinations (defaults to 12 weeks for AstraZeneca and 3 weeks for Pfizer) and for Flu vaccinations (defaults to 12 months). The time period can be changed within the vaccination workflow if required.

8.      Batch numbers for every vaccination can be selected from the “Previously used batch numbers” drop down , where the last 3 batch numbers per vaccination type is remembered for quick selection.


9.      Click  

o      The Record Immunisation panel closes.

o      The immunisation is added to the patient's Health Summary.

o      At the end of the day, the vaccine is sent to Medicare for ACIR checking.

Record an Ad Hoc Immunisation

When the vaccine has been administered, it must be recorded.

1.      Within the patient's record, locate the Health Summary panel.

Health Summary Header



2.      Locate the Immunisations section within the Health Summary.

o      If no immunisations have been recorded for this patient, the Immunisations section will look like the example below. Simply click the Immunisations icon to activate it.


o       If the patient has one or more current immunisations listed, add a new one by clicking    



3.      The Immunisation panel appears.



4.      Enter/select the name of the vaccine you with to administer.

The vaccine is added to the Immunisation panel.

o      Add more vaccines as desired.

5.      Click to commence recording the immunisation. The Record Immunisation  panel appears.

o      If the patient informs you they had been given this vaccine previously, click Do Not Submit to AIR button

o      If the patient declines the vaccine, click

o      Otherwise, complete the remaining details.


6.      Click  

o      The Record Immunisation panel closes.

o      The immunisation is added to the patient's Health Summary.

o      At the end of the day, the vaccine is sent to Medicare for ACIR checking.

Alternative Immunisations

A list of alternative immunisations may be available. If an alternative is available, the Alternatives button is enabled.

1.      In the Immunisation panel, click to view any alternative immunisations that are available.

o      This button is a toggle between Alternatives and Hide Alternatives.


Alternatives may be displayed as a single option or in groups;

o      Group 1 may contain an exact match for the entire disease group

o      Group 2 may contain an exact match for each single disease in the immunisation (this may not cover all diseases in the group)

o      Group 3 may contain subsets of the original group of diseases (at least 2 of the original group may be addressed by another vaccine)

One selection may be made from group 1, or one or more from both groups 2 and 3.


2.      Select an alternative immunisation by checking the box.

o      The Record immunisation button is enabled when a box is checked.

o      If an alternative is selected, then the Record Immunisation button beside the original recommended immunisation is disabled.

o      If an alternative is recorded for only some of the diseases in the immunisation, when save is selected in the Record Immunisation panel, the Immunisation panel opens again and displays the following:

       the remaining diseases which are not yet administered.

       the original recommended immunisation in a selected state.


3.      You must record immunisations for the remaining diseases to complete the scheduled immunisation.