Pracsoft User Guide
Editing Patient Records via Pracsoft

1.      Locate the patient whose record you wish to edit.

2.      Within the Search Patient window, select the patient and then click Edit The Edit Patient Details window appears.

Edit the patient details as necessary.


3.      Either;

o      Click Save to confirm and save the changes, or

o      Click to save the changes and add that patient to the Waiting Room in one action.


Items of interest on this window

Single Name check box



Sex at Birth


o      She/Her/Hers

o      He/Him/His

o      They/Them/Theirs

Gender Identity

Select from:

o      Male

o      Female

o      Intersex

o      Indeterminate

o      Other

o      Person prefers not to say

o      Unknown/Inadequately described

Chart Details

IHI details

Medicare Details

Payment Details tab

Address/Phone tab

See also: Medicare Australia and Post Office Boxes in Pracsoft

Personal Details tab