Pracsoft User Guide

Pracsoft supports standard fee columns (Medicare Benefits Schedule, Medicare Rebate) and up to 14 user-defined fee columns providing enough flexibility to cater for fees on a per-practitioner and per-institution basis.

Pracsoft provides you with a Standard Fee list of over 100 commonly-used items. The Standard Fee list can include item numbers that use alpha characters (e.g. Hep B) for use with items that are not in the Medicare Benefits Schedule.

Fee can be added, edited, updated, deleted and reactivated. If you have created a fee formula for a customised fee, or the standard fee columns have changed because of an update, you will need to recalculate each customised fee column.

To Manage Fees

1.       From the Waiting Room, select Admin > Fees. The Fee Listing window appears.


2.      By selecting the Choose Columns option (available via the View menu on the Fee Listing window), you can modify the layout of the window, hide columns and rearrange the order in which the columns are shown.


3.      Click the , Delete Item button and Print buttons to manage fee listings.

4.      To find a specific item number, click Find button  The Find Item No window appears.


5.      Enter the item number and click OK button

Item No


Op Rule

Derived Fee

Tax Rate

GST Not Applicable

Report Group

Non-MBS Item

Attendance Item

Fee Columns
(Listed Individually)

Find button

Columns button