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Primary care insights

A transparent approach to data-based research

Because we're serious about data security, governance and data-driven health outcome benefits, Telstra Health is leading the industry in creating a safe and secure way for you to participate in data-based research and clinical decision support without the risks involved in providing third party access to patient-level data.

At Telstra Health, we believe that you should have peace of mind when it comes to participating in data-based insight activities and that they should only be performed where:

  • The project undertaken is aligned with the Telstra Health vision (to realise a connected and improved digital health experience for all) and purpose (to improve lives through digitally-enabled care for our community)
  • Third parties, including project sponsors, only ever receive insight and analysis that is not just de-identified but aggregated to protect the privacy of the patient, clinician and practice (noting that aggregation was a key outcome of the Department of Health sponsored Doll Martin review with respect to the PIP QI Eligible Dataset).
  • Insight generated from projects is generally accessible to you and does no harm to yourself, your patients or their communities.
  • Transparency around how the data is being used and the scenarios in which a commercial return has been generated.
  • Analysis is performed in a safe setting within the Telstra Health environment, keeping the data as close to source as possible and without the need to involve intermediaries to extract and access patient-level data.
  • Our customers and their patients have the ability to control whether they participate, supported by a clear and accessible data governance model.

It's important for you and your patients to feel informed when it comes to consent so please review the frequently asked questions before making a decision.

If you have opted to share data, you can then use our data extraction tool which has been designed to allow you to de-identify certain patient level data and then share that de-identified data with Telstra Health (this will run in the background). In addition, you should discuss the following with your patients:

  • de-identified data might be collected as a result of their patient consultation
  • they have the ability to opt-out and where they do so, Telstra Health will act promptly on this request
  • if they elect not to opt out, de-identified information may be aggregated and analysed to form insight that may be made available by Telstra Health to fee paying project sponsors.

You can be assured that these projects will never use, and project sponsors will never have access to, patient information in identified form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Need more information

Please contact your Account Manager or call MedicalDirector on 1300 300 161 or register your interest below