Helix User Guide
Health Summary


The Health Summary panel is displayed alongside the Patient Timeline for the HCP. It provides a link to the patient's My Health Record, a summary of the patient’s medications, conditions, family history, their SNAP information, and any immunisations. Information entered by a HCP during a consult is added to this section.


View current/past medications for the patient.

o      If no medications have been prescribed for the patient, a medication can be added by clicking  or

o      If the patient does not take any medications , we can mark it by clicking  which marks the details in the Medication section.


o      While adding a current medication, a recipe can also be created by clicking |


o      Toggle between Current and Ceased medications.

o      Hover the mouse over a current product to;

       Quick Prescribe.

       Access more options (edit/cease):


o      Medications can be sorted accordingly by clicking on the field name both in current and ceased tabs. The Duration of the medication is indicated with the   symbol for short-term and left blank for long-term.


o      The list of recipes displayed is sorted alphabetically for easier search purpose.


o      Hover over the last script date to reveal details about the script.

Editing Medications For a Patient

The Medication section in the Health Summary lists medications prescribed within Helix, plus other medications the patient has informed you of (prescribed elsewhere).

Also there is a option for editing or removing the medications, inclusive of changing the drug, dose form, and strength.

Editing these details allows you to:

Click on the ellipse button under the actions section. Choose the edit option, or alternatively select the medication to open the medication panel in the far right, and then click the Edit button at the bottom.

Clicking on the drop down arrow in the medication pane will allow you to change the Drug Name, Strength and the Dose Form. The 'Directions', 'Route' and 'Advised or Prescribed externally by' will need to be entered for modified medications. The date prescribed or entered cannot be modified.

Click on Save to save the changes. Once the changes are made, the medication taken previously will be moved to the ceased section.

For example, a patient currently takes Aspirin 100mg. On their next visit you wish to increase the dosage to 320mg. The medication can be edited and choose the dosage value from the drop down and save it to the file.


The edited medication to Aspirin 320mg is updated in the Medication section of the Health Summary with update date as today.


The Aspirin 100mg is moved to the 'Ceased' view, and the information now reads "Medication Details Updated".


When a medication is changed, you have the opportunity to update it in your 'favorites' by clicking on Update.

Ceasing Medications for a Patient

You can cease a current medication via the ellipsis button, as shown below. Click Cease.


Indicate the reason for ceasing the medication from the list of options provided.


Alternatively you can select the medication to open medication panel, and then click Cease at the bottom.


Hover the mouse over a ceased product to view the medication information. This will inform you as to why the medication has been ceased. For example, it may simply be that the it has been completed without problems. Alternatively, it could indicate that the patient had a reaction to it.


Any recorded conditions for the patient are displayed.

If no conditions have been recorded for this patient, the following icon is displayed instead:

SNAP Information

This section contains the patient’s smoking, nutrition, alcohol, physical activity (SNAP) information.


Any immunisations due for the patient (based on their age) are displayed in the Health Summary panel with a coloured bar on the left-hand side. New immunisations may be added by clicking

If there are no immunisations recorded for this patient, the following icon is displayed instead:  

Family Conditions

Any family conditions for the patient are displayed.

If there are no family conditions recorded for this patient, the following icon is displayed instead:

Social History

The patient's social history is displayed.