Helix User Guide

A Recall is a type of flag recorded against a patient's record, designed to inform HCP s and/or practice staff of when the patient is due to return to the practice, usually so that some clinical procedure can be performed, such as an annual health check, or a pap test. Recalls are generally created by the HCP during the patient's consult, as explained following.

Recall notifications (sent to patients) are generally managed by the Practice Manager.

The instructions below explain how to create a recall via a patient's record. You can also initiate a recall by first generating a report of eligible patients.

Generate a Recall via the Patient's Record

1.      Within the patient's record, locate and click    to call the Consult panel.

2.      Locate and click    located at the top of the Consult panel. The Recall panel opens, and a new recall is started for you.


3.      Select a reason for the recall from the drop-down list at the top of the panel.


4.      (optional) Tick the Urgent check box if the patient must be notified urgently.

o      The title changes to read "Urgent Recall".

o      The recall date defaults to the current date, and cannot be modified.


5.      If it is not an urgent recall, indicate the date on which the patient is to be notified of the recall.

o      The default date depends on the type of recall reason selected.

o      The date can be changed manually, or selected from the calendar.


6.      Recalls can be created/assigned to any Health Care Professional. Click on the “HCP to add recalls to “ drop down . Users with HCP related permissions would be displayed . Choose the HCP to assign the recall to. By default, the user currently logged in is shown in this drop-down.


7.      Enter any information in the Comment field as desired.

8.       Enter any information in the Medical Note field as desired.

9.      Click Save Patient Record button to save the recall to the patient’s Timeline.

o      Save and Close are the only options available when first creating a recall.

o      To Complete, Defer, or Remove a recall, it must be accessed via the patient's Timeline or via the Message Centre.

Generate a Recall by Searching for Patients

1.      Conduct a search for patients via the Patient Reports module. The follow image displays an example we have generated.

Note: Recalls cannot be generated for deceased patients. However, should you wish to see such patients in the search results regardless, tick the Include Deceased Patients check box on this window before preforming the search.

Patient Reports Example

2.      Select one or more patients to recall. In our example we have selected both patients.

3.      Click

o      Alternatively, to create a recall for a single patient, simply click the Recall from Search icon under the Actions column against their name.

You are prompted to provide details about the recalls to be generated. Continue to Step 4 to for more information.




Select the Urgent check box if required.

Select Recall Reason


5.      Choose the Due date option from the calendar if the default due date is not what is required.

6.      Click to create the recalls for all selected patients. These recalls can be accessed in the Message Centre under the Recalls tab.

Message Centre Recalls Example

Recalls in the Patient's Timeline

A clinician can view recalls in the patient’s Timeline.


Select a recall from here to view it in the Recall panel.