Helix User Guide
Sending Email from Helix


You can send email to patients and/or healthcare providers via Letter Writer.

o      Documents emailed to patients are password protected.

o      Documents emailed to healthcare providers can be sent via secure messaging or email. Note that documents emailed to healthcare providers are not password protected.

o      If you wish to send email to a patient, it is advisable to record their email address first. Alternatively, you will have an opportunity to record an ad-hoc email address before sending.


Sending Email

1.      Use Letter Writer to compose/create the document you wish to email.

2.      When you are satisfied the document is ready to email, click Save and Send button. The Send Document panel appears.

3.      You will be presented with options for selecting recipients:

o      Email to patient.

o      Send to clinician or provider (which includes an option to email).

Send Document Showing Email Options



4.      In the example below, we are emailing to both a patient and another healthcare provider.

o      For the patient, select a password protection option for securing the document. You can choose to use the patient's date of birth as recorded in Helix, or send an auto-generated password to the patient via SMS.

o      For the healthcare provider/s, you can send via secure message delivery or email. Note that documents sent via email to healthcare providers are not password protected.

Send Document Both Email Options Selected


5.      Click when you are ready to email the document.

6.      Once the consult is ended, a record of the email will appear in Actions. You can also print or re-send the email from here.

Actions Helix Showing Emailed Document

A record of the email also appears in the patient's Timeline. It is important to note that you must end the consult for the record to appear in the Timeline, and that there may be a small delay before the Timeline is updated with this information.

Re-sending Email from the Patient's Timeline

The following example shows a Specialist Referral we have attempted to email to one or more recipients, but a failure has occurred. This can occur if an email address is invalid.


To ascertain which email address is invalid, click the document in question (in our example above it's the Specialist Referral).

With the document details open, hover over the Failed message to reveal the recipients, and the invalid email.